A large Dutch occupational health and safety service and TNO

Advice for achievable health gains

DMN automates decisionmodels

Improved employee lifestyle
Prevention is better than cure. This adage has been on the rise in medicine in recent years. More and more is known about lifestyle diseases: diseases that occur more often in people with a certain way of life. Lifestyle medicine prevents rather than cures by changing dietary patterns and ensuring adequate exercise, more sleep, and less stress
The request
A large Dutch occupational health and safety service wants to advise their clients on health gains that can be achieved. To do this, they work together with scientists from the TNO Healthy Living program. They developed a model for calculating possible health gains. Based on hundreds of variables from questionnaires, blood and hair tests and interviews with occupational health physicians, they calculated where possible opportunities lie for improving future health. This allows knowledge from scientific research to be applied in the field.
The challenge was to make the calculations of the health gains available in real time to the occupational health and safety physicians and the clients to make sure good advice could be given quickly.
The solution
Ritense developed software that automated TNO’s calculations and decision trees. This software converted the TNO models to decision tables in the open standard DMN 1.2. after which they were managed in Valtimo. This made it possible to automatically update changes in the TNO models and to provide the decision models to the occupational health and safety organization in real time. In this way, all available variables could be processed into a scientifically proven recommendation based on the latest TNO models in one second.
The model consisted of more than 180 tables, making it, as far as we know, the largest DMN decision model in the Netherlands.
The result
The collaboration with the occupational health and safety service, their application developer and TNO resulted in a platform that is unique in the Netherlands. Using the DMN decision model, occupational health and safety physicians are now able to provide their clients with scientifically proven advice. This provides insight into their health based on a peer comparison. It provides insight into the years that can be gained and tries to stimulate users to make improvements in their lifestyle. The ultimate goal is a larger number of healthy working years.
Customer Benefits
- Occupational health physicians can immediately provide scientifically proven advice.
- It stimulates users, in a positive way, to make improvements in their lifestyle.
- Calculated health gains are made available to occupational health physicians in real time.